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We have missed seeing you and can’t wait to see you in-person July 13-15, 2022 in San Antonio at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. Thanks to our amazing speakers, we will provide recordings following the in-person event. You will be able to watch these on demand sessions at your convenience though December 31, 2022. The conference will be engaging and provide you with just in time content from nationally recognized speakers and hometown favorites. Registration is available online and can be paid using a credit card.  To pay using a district check, please contact Debbie Hurt at Please note: CAMT does not accept purchase orders.

All conference attendees must agree to follow CAMT’s health and safety guidelines at all times; failure to comply will result in an immediate registration cancellation without a refund.

[vcex_button url=”” align=”center” custom_color=”#ffffff” classes=”home-button”]Register Now $299[/vcex_button]



A virtual conference option will be available again this summer.  A small number of Zoom sessions will be available live during the July 13-15 event.  We will provide recordings of some of the conference sessions by August 8th, just in time for back to school professional development! Other recordings will be available on demand for you to watch when you want.  The content for the virtual event will be available through December 31, 2022.

We will not require virtual attendees to show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test.

[vcex_button url=”” align=”center” custom_color=”#ffffff” classes=”home-button”]Register Now $99[/vcex_button]



Engaging in Hope Through Adapting, Creating and Implementing Culturally Relevant Math Tasks

Culturally relevant mathematics teaching challenges teachers to see mathematics experiences as hopeful, empowering and affirming spaces centered in the realities of students’ racial/cultural identities and communities. In this session, leaders will grow their understandings and capacity to operationalize culturally relevant teaching in the mathematics classroom. They will explore how to support teachers in finding, adapting, and implementing math tasks that engage and empower students. By using a variety of tools, educators will help students learn and understand math more deeply through making connections to themselves, their communities, and the world around them. Attendees at this event will have access to conference sessions on Thursday and Friday and will be able to access session recordings through December 31, 2022.

[vcex_button url=”” align=”center” custom_color=”#ffffff” classes=”home-button”]Register Now $350[/vcex_button]



Preservice Teachers are encouraged to attend the in-person conference or the virtual conference.  In order to register with a preservice rate, a university professor must verify the eligibility of the attendee through the CAMT office by calling 833-277-2268 ext 801 or via email at


CAMT 2022 Benefits 1


Everything is bigger in Texas. CAMT boasts a large variety of sessions on the agenda each year. You can customize the conference experience based on the content you need.

CAMT 2022 Benefits 2


Are you ready to meet amazing educators? The conference provides numerous activities that enable you to network with other aspiring leaders.


Do you need credits to retain your teacher certification? CAMT is a TEA approved provider for CPE credits. Let us help you meet recertification requirements.

[vcex_button bottom_margin=”5px” css_animation=”fadeIn” icon_type=”fontawesome” style=”flat” custom_background=”#88de01″ custom_hover_background=”#09c400″ custom_color=”#ffffff” custom_hover_color=”#ffffff” font_size=”18″ letter_spacing=”1px” text_transform=”capitalize” icon_right_fontawesome=”fas fa-chevron-right” font_weight=”bold” align=”center” font_padding=”top:20|right:30|bottom:20|left:30″ visibility=”hidden” classes=”home-button”]LEARN MORE[/vcex_button]

Featured Speakers

Come learn from home-grown Texans and national speakers that are leading the way in innovative strategies, interventions, technology implementation and virtual learning. Featured sessions encourage us to pursue excellence in teaching, assessment, inclusion, and equity with all student groups.

[vcex_button bottom_margin=”5px” css_animation=”fadeInLeft” onclick=”internal_link” icon_type=”fontawesome” style=”flat” custom_hover_background=”#fbb526″ custom_color=”#ffffff” custom_hover_color=”#ffffff” font_size=”18″ letter_spacing=”1px” text_transform=”capitalize” icon_right_fontawesome=”fas fa-chevron-right” font_weight=”bolder” custom_background=”#8c1200″ font_family=”Noto Sans” border_radius=”2px” border=”2px” internal_link=”|title:Speak” classes=”home-button”]SEE MORE SPEAKERS[/vcex_button]

Engage With Us

The Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT) is an annual conference for K-12 mathematics educators and leaders. The conference is sponsored jointly by the Texas Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the Texas Association of Supervisors of Mathematics, and the Texas Section of the Mathematical Association of America. The three-day conference is conducted each summer, on a rotating basis, in Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio.

[vcex_button bottom_margin=”5px” css_animation=”fadeInLeft” url=”” icon_type=”fontawesome” style=”flat” custom_hover_background=”#fbb526″ custom_color=”#ffffff” custom_hover_color=”#ffffff” font_size=”18″ letter_spacing=”1px” text_transform=”capitalize” icon_right_fontawesome=”fas fa-chevron-right” font_weight=”bolder” custom_background=”#444444″ font_family=”Muli” border_radius=”2px” border=”2px” classes=”home-button”]JOIN OUR LIST SERVE[/vcex_button]


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